Wednesday, February 17, 2010


There’s a new group of men who gather draped in sheets and meeting in secret. They promote the advancement of their agenda, and claim superiority over those whom they consider to be “lesser”. They are the Guild for the Advancement of Burkas for Men. And they are ridiculous. They wear bed sheets as if they were burka, and is built up as a civil gathering.

It’s built up like “The Office” meets “The Guild” meets the Illuminati. We follow the ridiculous cult gathering of this Guild, following the silent protagonist as he navigates his way through awkward situations and silences, as well as the overzealous and emotional antics of the leaders and fellow members. Periodically throughout the gathering, single members will give their own interpretations of what is going on, talking about how ridiculous a specific event is or just rambling on at the camera. This will be done with portrait shots, much like “The Office” or “The Guild”.

What’s more, the world around them is as fictional as possible, and anything that takes place outside of the room and hallway where the meeting is, is represented by crudely drawn, as in drawn by children, representations of the outside world. We see this world as we follow our protagonist.

As time goes by, the protagonist begins to become more and more involved with the cult in general, until he finally actually speaks to the camera in one of the portrait shots, inserting himself as a character at that moment. However, immediately after the whole gathering is brought to an end by some kind of calamitous event.

The whole project is low budget, not requiring more than enough to buy a few rolls of paper and several bed sheets.

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