Wednesday, March 24, 2010


This is a creepy movie. The creepiness is mixed in with some relatively mild scenes, but Haynes uses light to truly propel some of the scenes into the realm of the frightening. This is accentuated by the repeating images of the darker things in her life, like the ex-lax or Ipecac syrup…the Ipecac syrup part at the end with the twisted music really caused my own insides to contort for a moment. The switches between live action and Barbie world, while not seemless, is not jarring in the least, and since the video actually opened in the real world it actually appears appropriate throughout the piece, and not just to be something tacked on.

That said, this piece appears to be a commentary not so much on the life and death of a popular figure, but more about the idea of anorexia and social acceptance.

It’s difficult to find to many things to talk about here, since the story is based on a true story. I can however state that the characters are pretty developed, even if they are dolls, and seem to have a progression throughout the film. The two kids start off as relatively nice and wholesome, but each develops their own issues from the fame. One becomes anorexic and the other becomes a douc….er, selfish individual.

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