Wednesday, April 14, 2010


The video begins with two men sitting at a round table playing poker in a dark room. The cards are essentially the dealer, distributing themselves to the two players, and then disappearing from their hands to land on the table. This happens rapid fire, with several hands being dealt and played in quick succession. The camera goes to a much closer view, and the rapid fire play continues, until one of the players plays a straight/flush. The game stops, and the camera shifts backwards as the player jumps up and cheers as the lights in the background turn on revealing a bunch of cheering spectators. The two players shake hands and the winning player turns to go. On the way, he does a flying high five with a Hilton employee.
This piece is funnier with crazy voice over, but that really depends on how funny the dialogue can be…

Pretty much the same as last time but with cards rather than a board game.

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