Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Room and stuff...

1. Camera begins at the side corner of the bed

- He rises from the bed- raises his hand and the covers slide off him; he then slides off the bed.

2. Camera shifts to side of bed

-he raises his hands like an usher and the blinds rise up

3. Camera shifts to example pic. Location

- he slides from the window to the computer desk… his legs don’t move as he slides, but his arms continue to perform action (e.g. scratch head)

-he waves his hand and pulls a chair from off-screen, he sits down on the chair, then motions for the table to come out…he then snaps his fingers and a laptop appears on the table

-he motions for the laptop to open and begins to work on it. After a short time he closes the laptop, and pushes the table back under the desk.

-his chair then slides forward to the desk, with him still in it

4. Camera shifts to an over the head shot directly behind him as he sits at the desk

-he looks at the empty shelves, then begins to point at individual shelves. As he points as each shelf, it fills up with items and personal effects

5. Camera shifts to same location as (3)

-he then pushes himself out from the desk a little bit

-he then stands up and slides over to the couch

-he sits down on the couch and motions for the ottoman, which slides over to him and under his feet

- he then starts moving his hands and the tv moves according to his movements

-he then reclines on the couch



To link up the room with the community area… -have him adjust the tv, then motion to the ottoman over

-line that up with the ottoman moving in the community area


The cards will disappear from the players hands and reappear on the table. They will also reshuffle themselves after each hand.

The cards will be independent, entirely, of the people except in the moments when the cards are being picked up and held.

I'm not sure on the logistics of the flying high five, but it would be excellent if it could happen.

A strong light on the table will block out the background, and the audience won't be moved in until the shots where they are necessary.

The people in the background will be wearing bright, colorful clothing to further contrast when the lights flick on.



The video begins with two men sitting at a round table playing poker in a dark room. The cards are essentially the dealer, distributing themselves to the two players, and then disappearing from their hands to land on the table. This happens rapid fire, with several hands being dealt and played in quick succession. The camera goes to a much closer view, and the rapid fire play continues, until one of the players plays a straight/flush. The game stops, and the camera shifts backwards as the player jumps up and cheers as the lights in the background turn on revealing a bunch of cheering spectators. The two players shake hands and the winning player turns to go. On the way, he does a flying high five with a Hilton employee.
This piece is funnier with crazy voice over, but that really depends on how funny the dialogue can be…

Pretty much the same as last time but with cards rather than a board game.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


The story begins in a dark room with a spotlight on two people sitting at a table playing a board game (chess, monopoly...chess). Their arms project forward and back, stop-motion, and pieces move across the board.
It switches to a view of the board by itself, and the pieces move across the board, disappearing one by one as each is taken.

It goes back to a slightly closer view of the first shot. A couple more moves are made, then finally a winning move is made (if chess, the king gets knocked over). The winner swiftly stands and begins to cheer in jubilation (excuse to use that word).

The lights flick on, and there's a bunch of people in the background who are also cheering. The end...

Optional at end: Have a Hilton worker come up and shake the winners hand before Gumbying (I went there) his way off the screen.


Watch and be amazed at my amazing drawing skittles.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Inspirational Examples

Oddly enough, this is a fairly common theme...yet I'm drawing a blank. There's quite a few movies I've seen where the figure head of the family dies and someone else has to move in to fill the void. Unfortunately, I'm drawing a pretty hard blank on them and google doesn't help, pretty much just regiving me god father over and over again. Also, I just said drawing a blank two times in three sentences...

Project 3 Idea

My idea for this project is based around the idea of loss of a family head. When the head of the family dies or disappears, someone has to fill in the roll. It is my goal to show this idea using a tea/coffee pot with mugs. The mugs will be surrounding the tea/coffee pot. The pot is already tarnished, and the mugs are crying as the pot starts to crumple and fall apart. Once the pot has completely crumbled, one of the mugs moves forward and takes over the center spot. It then becomes a coffee/tea pot itself.


This is a creepy movie. The creepiness is mixed in with some relatively mild scenes, but Haynes uses light to truly propel some of the scenes into the realm of the frightening. This is accentuated by the repeating images of the darker things in her life, like the ex-lax or Ipecac syrup…the Ipecac syrup part at the end with the twisted music really caused my own insides to contort for a moment. The switches between live action and Barbie world, while not seemless, is not jarring in the least, and since the video actually opened in the real world it actually appears appropriate throughout the piece, and not just to be something tacked on.

That said, this piece appears to be a commentary not so much on the life and death of a popular figure, but more about the idea of anorexia and social acceptance.

It’s difficult to find to many things to talk about here, since the story is based on a true story. I can however state that the characters are pretty developed, even if they are dolls, and seem to have a progression throughout the film. The two kids start off as relatively nice and wholesome, but each develops their own issues from the fame. One becomes anorexic and the other becomes a douc….er, selfish individual.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Maya Deren: Meshes of the Afternoon

This movie has too much going on. I like it, the surreal/dreamlike quality to it, but even after watching it several times, and juxtaposing two windows next to each other to see different repeating scenes together, I still have very little idea what is going on in it. Thinking about the time period when the movie was made, WWII period, and observing the repeating image of the key, I decided that the piece is centered on the idea of freedom from control. The WWII period and afterwards was part of the golden age, don’t know if that’s what it was called but it gets the point across I think, of the feminist movement.

Moving on. I believe the repeating images of the knife and key represent freedom. The constant transformation of the knife into a key and the key into a knife essentially associates the two to being the same thing. This represents, when thinking of the ominous figure with the mirror face, a form of escape from something. I think we finally get a glimpse of what she wants to escape from when the man in the film essentially takes over the roll of the mirror faced figure. I think this is further demonstrated by the phone, which is off the hook, that repeats throughout the film. It is always off the hook until the man appears, who hangs it up. I might be blowing that up to be too large, but if I make a few assumptions (which I’ve been doing anyway so why stop now) then the phone off the hook could represent the idea of connection to the outside of whatever cage she believes herself to be in. When the man hangs it up, I think that places him as the one keeping her in the cage. Expanding on that idea, I think the cage is represented by her seeing herself do all the actions over and over again.

I’d say the biggest twist in the film, for me, was a double twist. I believed she was going to kill herself, but when the man appeared and essentially acted in the same manner as the mirror faced figure, I believed that she was going to kill him with the key-knife. It was thus a bit of a fake to the right when she actually did end up killing herself. Though, whether she actually killed herself or just dreamed she killed herself is still up for debate in my mind. The whole thing has a dreamlike quality to it, which is really expounded by the part where she is going up the stairs in what I believe is slow motion, but almost looks like she’s floating up the stairs on wires or something.

That’s really all I can say. I can’t think of anything else, and after writing that I looked up some other reviews, which only confused the hell out of me even more. Some reviews seem to see it in a relatively similar way as I do, but they go into much greater and much more confusing detail.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


There’s a new group of men who gather draped in sheets and meeting in secret. They promote the advancement of their agenda, and claim superiority over those whom they consider to be “lesser”. They are the Guild for the Advancement of Burkas for Men. And they are ridiculous. They wear bed sheets as if they were burka, and is built up as a civil gathering.

It’s built up like “The Office” meets “The Guild” meets the Illuminati. We follow the ridiculous cult gathering of this Guild, following the silent protagonist as he navigates his way through awkward situations and silences, as well as the overzealous and emotional antics of the leaders and fellow members. Periodically throughout the gathering, single members will give their own interpretations of what is going on, talking about how ridiculous a specific event is or just rambling on at the camera. This will be done with portrait shots, much like “The Office” or “The Guild”.

What’s more, the world around them is as fictional as possible, and anything that takes place outside of the room and hallway where the meeting is, is represented by crudely drawn, as in drawn by children, representations of the outside world. We see this world as we follow our protagonist.

As time goes by, the protagonist begins to become more and more involved with the cult in general, until he finally actually speaks to the camera in one of the portrait shots, inserting himself as a character at that moment. However, immediately after the whole gathering is brought to an end by some kind of calamitous event.

The whole project is low budget, not requiring more than enough to buy a few rolls of paper and several bed sheets.

The spacing on blogger pisses me off

The story I’m writing is based on the idea of a cult meeting as being more of boring party type affair. It follows a silent protagonist as he observes a meeting of the cult. This is what I have so far, though I’m struggling with where to take the story after this.

The story begins with the protagonist driving in his car past crudely drawn houses and buildings. He eventually arrives at a building and goes inside. He goes into a locker room, finds his locker, and takes out a bed sheet. He drapes it over himself like a cheap ghost costume. He enters into a room full of figures dressed like ghosts. He sits down at one of many seats arranged in a circle. A few more figures file in, then a group of 4 figures file in. Each of these 4 figures is wearing a floral sheet.
One of the 4 figures raises his hand and calls “Attention”. All the people in the room stand attention then move to the chairs. They stand at the chairs until the 4 figures are seated, then they all sit down. The first figure in floral stands and begins giving what seems to be a recited oath, “We pledge our lives to the guild, and devote all we have to its preservation and continuation until our cause has been fulfilled. We accept that our cause is sacred and pledge to keep our vow of silence when outside of the ‘Gathering’. No other shall know of our work, especially our wives, as we work from the shadows of society. For society has ostracized us! But time will prove that we are far superior to all those who disdain us, and ridicule our work. They cannot understand our work, for it is beyond their limited comprehension.” –moment of silence- “But we will show them!”
He sits down and another in floral attire stands. “I hereby call to order the 5th gathering of the Guild for the Advancement of Fashionable Burka for Men.” Then he sits down. Now a third member in floral stands. “We will begin the Gathering with an announcement by member Willhelm. A random figure in the circle stands and says, “There’s cheese, crackers, and various liquids in the hallway for after.” He immediately sits down after speaking.
The third member in floral, who is still standing, says “Thank you, Willhelm. On to our next order of business. It has come to our attention that...” He is interrupted by heated words between 2 of the members. He turns to them yelling “What is going on!”. The two members shut up fast, but on of the members is wearing a little girl’s sheet over his head. The floral member, noticing this, asks “Why are you wearing a sheet that looks like that?” The member stands and states, “My sheet got lost in the wash. I looked for it everywhere, but I couldn’t find it. I had to steal my little sister’s sheets.” He sits down, looking timid and about to cry. The floral member goes over to him and puts his hand on his shoulder saying, “Do not worry, for we will not sleep nor rest until you have been reunited with your sheet!” He turns to the rest of the members and says, “Brothers! Our fellow member is lost. He is without his pride, and requires our assistance. Who will join me on this quest to find our brother’s lost pride?” He beckons to the assembled. Several members stand with cheers. The floral member runs out of the room, followed by the man in the girl’s sheet and the member who volunteered to go.
The rest of the member watch silently, including the protagonist. After a few seconds of this, one of the floral members stands and says, “And with that, we will go to recess.” All of the members file out of the room, heading for the hallway.
Out in the hallway, the members all stand around the snack table in awkward silence. Many of the members are fingering Styrofoam cups with coffee or other liquid. Finally, one of the members turns to Willhelm and says, “So you put all of this together?” Willhelm replies with, “Yah, yah I did”. The other member replies with “Ah, well good job then”. The room returns to silence until they hear cheers from far away which are getting closer. All the members who left come flooding down the hall. They stop and the member who was formerly in the girl’s sheet steps forward. “We found it,” he cries. “I am whole again.” He kneels on the floor with arms outstretched as he looks upwards. The other member each congratulate him as the floral members stand off to the side. The one floral member who went to find the sheet wipes a tear from his eye., then calls the meeting back to order. All of the members file back into the room, returning to their seats. The third floral figure stands once again and clears his throat, “Back to business”.
“We are still a relatively new organization, and while we share the strongest bond men can attain, we still know very little about each other. So, in order to break the residual ice between us and incite more unity, it has been brought up that we should begin having a kind of karaoke night, which we will call “Burka Idol”. Now, you won’t be forced to sing, but just know that the whole point is for us all to make fools of ourselves, so don’t worry about your skills and just take off with it.” A member of the circle stands and says, “That has to be the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard. Whoever came up with it is stupid as hell, and should probably be shot for the betterment of all mankind.” No one speaks for a bit, and everyone is still. Finally, the doors open and two men in sheets appear in the doorway. They go over to the member who spoke up and grab him by the arms, dragging him away as he protests. A few moments of silence later, the members hear a scream from far off down the hall. The scream is cut off quickly. The floral member says, “Are there any objections?” No one answers, so he states, “Good”.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

  1. “The Bad Day”
  2. A woman has a bad day at work that continues to her home. It finally culminates into a display of…frustration.
  3. Every movie I’ve ever seen.
  4. Frustration
  5. The woman starts off at work and is overloaded with work to do. It becomes so much work that she eventually leaves. She goes home, where things continue to go wrong. Throughout the piece, the woman is seen on a balcony, and in the end smashes her frustration on the ground.
  6. The theme ended up pretty much what we expected it to. The woman gathers all of her frustration up into a single act, and releases it all in that act.
  7. The strengths of the film lie in it’s sound. Most of the film is silent, but for ambience, other than the one moment of tremendous sound. The space could also be considered a strength, since we had a lot of space for the character to walk in, creating some longer walk shots.
  8. I think our issues, and I’m the main one at fault for this, was not having a clear idea of exactly what we wanted going into the shots. I would set up shots right before shooting them, with little to no idea that those shots were going to exist even ten minutes before.
  9. It takes a long freakin’ time to set up equipment. Especially that first time when we spent around 1-2 hours getting everything ready. By the end of the day we were setting up the equipment much faster, but we still ended up shooting film all the way up til midnight when we started the day at around 11 a.m. I have a much better idea of how much time it takes to set up a shot, so now I can have the character do things such as take off her heels in between shots that will take longer to set up. I can’t think of anything else we discovered, other than that a office room can get really dirty really quick. Also, it is possible to leave a place you made dirty exactly the way you found it.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


A woman is having an awful day at work. Every time she manages to get something done, she finds that she has even more things to do. Her frustration builds throughout the piece and is exacerbated by a few seemingly minor mishaps. We follow her as her day gets worse and worse, broken only by a couple of small introspective moments, until finally she erupts into a single act of raw emotion.

Location Photos (cont'd)

Location Photos

These are various pictures of locations we will be using.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Extra Credit

This is where the extra credit post will be posted!

It will contain the following observations:

Extra Credit

A. position of peoples eyes on the screen.

B. experience the world while looking around for the positions and effects (intensity, quality, color) of lighting.

Also, peanut butter is good stuff.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Film 1

Yes, it is awful. Due to circumstances entirely in my control, that is to say...circumstances that I should have been aware of but was not since my memory is mostly closely defined by crap. I decided to use a door I bought a year or so ago for a previous project with the intention of doing just about what I did, with a much more political meaning, however, I completely forgot that I had already used both sides of the door for previous projects, and ended up having to step away from my previous idea and engage in something that might be able to use the term "Ignore this". While I feel that the result has become a bit too insular, I have put enough effort into this that I will turn it in and make another pass at it at another date, since not even the tomatoes left the deep red mark I was hoping to achieve, and it would take too much time to go through and mask out the selected areas to up the red where they exploded.
The primary frustrations with this, after my initial idea failed, were throwing out my original recording after I realized the text I was nailing on the board was too small for anyone to know what it was...and trying to get the last 3 seconds to play backwards. Photoshop was failing me since I couldn't get it to open up an image sequence, but I ended up just changing the names of all the shots individually, which always sucks on a Mac.
What I've learned from this is that it's going to be a long semester if I can't come up with some more interesting ideas. I've also figured out that I really need to figure out how to seamlessly edit as there are several areas in this piece which are blatantly cut. I just wish I could add tape between those screens so I could at least make it look as though I was physically cutting/editing it.

I'm having issues getting the video to upload to the internet. Will post it when I can get it on there. Meh, would only let me do it as a MP4.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010